Discovering the Hidden Gem: The Benefits of Neewangna Coffee.


Coffee lovers around the world are constantly seeking new and unique flavours that tantalise their taste buds. One such hidden gem in the coffee world is Neewangna coffee.

You can purchase our coffee by clicking here but to find out more about its amazing benefits, keep reading.

Hailing from a small region with rich coffee-growing traditions, Neewangna coffee offers a distinctive and unforgettable experience for coffee connoisseurs. In this article, we will delve into the benefits of Neewangna coffee and why it has gained a loyal following among avid coffee enthusiasts.

This helps alleviate low energy levels in your body, detox your digestive system and even increase your natural immunity. It boosts your mood, and supports normal serotonin levels in the brain and lastly it may help cleanse & detoxify the body.

You will feel more energized. Garcinia and Mangosteen extract supports a healthy metabolism so you will feel more energized throughout the day without the jitters, helping you to be more active and get things done.


Exquisite Flavour Profile

Neewangna coffee stands out with its exceptional flavour profile. Grown in the pristine environments of the Neewangna region, this coffee boasts a harmonious combination of rich, smooth, and slightly fruity notes.

Its medium body and low acidity make it a delightfully balanced choice for those who prefer a mellow yet flavorful cup of coffee. With every sip, you embark on a sensory journey that showcases the unique terroir of Neewangna coffee.

Sustainable and Ethical Practices

One of the remarkable aspects of Neewangna coffee is its commitment to sustainable and ethical practices. The coffee farmers in the Neewangna region follow environmentally friendly cultivation methods, ensuring that their coffee is grown without the use of harmful pesticides or chemicals. Additionally, they actively engage in fair trade practices, empowering the local community and ensuring that the farmers receive fair compensation for their hard work. By choosing Neewangna coffee, consumers can enjoy their cup of joe with a clear conscience, knowing that they are supporting sustainable and ethical agriculture.

Rich Cultural Heritage

Neewangna coffee is more than just a beverage; it is a symbol of a rich cultural heritage. The coffee-growing tradition in the Neewangna region spans generations, with farmers passing down their knowledge and techniques from one to another. By indulging in Neewangna coffee, you become a part of this centuries-old legacy, allowing yourself to experience the passion, dedication, and craftsmanship that goes into every bean.

Health Benefits

Like many high-quality coffees, Neewangna coffee offers a range of health benefits. Coffee, when consumed in moderation, has been associated with increased mental alertness, improved focus, and enhanced mood. It also contains antioxidants that help protect the body against free radicals. Neewangna coffee, with its naturally grown beans and careful processing, ensures that you receive the full potential of these health benefits with every sip.

How coffee is made


Green coffee beans are simply regular coffee beans that haven’t been roasted and remain completely raw.

Their extract is popular as a dietary supplements, but green coffee can also be purchased in whole-bean form and used to make a hot beverage, much like roasted coffee

Bear in mind that a mug of this light green drink will not taste like the roasted coffee you’re used to, as it has a much milder flavour. It’s said to taste more like herbal tea than coffee.

What’s more, its chemical profile is quite different than that of roasted coffee, though their origins are similar.

It boasts an abundant supply of chlorogenic acids — compounds with potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects that may provide many health benefits.

Roasted coffee products also contain small amounts of chlorogenic acid, but most of it is lost during the roasting process.

Coffee is primarily grown in tropical regions around the world, known as the "Coffee Belt," which spans between the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. The cultivation of coffee involves several stages, from planting the coffee tree to harvesting and processing the coffee cherries.

Coffee is grown from selecting and planting coffee trees. Cultivation begins with selecting the appropriate coffee tree variety based on factors such as climate, soil conditions, and desired flavour characteristics. Common coffee tree varieties include Arabica and Robusta. Once selected, coffee trees are planted either from seeds or by transplanting young seedlings into prepared soil.

The growing conditions needs to be right as coffee trees thrive in specific growing conditions. They require a tropical climate with temperatures ranging between 60°F to 70°F (15°C to 24°C), consistent rainfall, and altitudes ranging from 2,000 to 6,000 feet (600 to 1,800 meters). Shade trees are often planted alongside coffee trees to provide protection from direct sunlight.

Flowering and Fruit Development: Coffee trees typically start flowering after a couple of years. The flowers are small and white, and they last for only a few days. After successful pollination, the flowers develop into small green fruits called coffee cherries. It takes several months for the cherries to ripen, changing in colour from green to yellow, and eventually to red or purple, depending on the variety.

4. Harvesting: Coffee cherries are harvested by hand or using mechanical methods. In the case of specialty coffees, hand-picking is preferred to ensure only ripe cherries are selected. Mechanical harvesting is more commonly used in large-scale commercial coffee production. Harvesting is a labour-intensive process, as cherries are selectively picked at their peak ripeness to ensure optimal flavour.


After harvesting, the coffee cherries go through processing to remove the outer layers and extract the coffee beans. There are two primary methods of processing: - Dry (Natural) Process: In this method, the cherries are spread out to dry under the sun. Once dried, the outer skin and pulp are removed, revealing the coffee beans. - Wet (Washed) Process: In this method, the cherries undergo a series of steps including pulping, fermentation, washing, and drying. The aim is to remove the outer layers and preserve the coffee beans.

Once the coffee beans are extracted, they are sorted to remove any defects or impurities. The sorted beans are then roasted to develop their distinct flavours and aromas. After roasting, the beans are cooled, packaged, and prepared for distribution to coffee shops, retailers, or consumers. It's important to note that the coffee-growing process can vary slightly depending on the region, cultivation methods, and the specific coffee variety being grown. However, the general stages mentioned above provide an overview of how coffee is grown from tree to cup.



Neewangna coffee is a hidden gem that captivates coffee lovers with its exquisite flavour, sustainable practices, cultural heritage, and health benefits. By choosing Neewangna coffee, you not only indulge in a remarkable sensory experience but also support the local community and contribute to the preservation of a time-honored tradition. So, next time you crave a unique and exceptional cup of coffee, don't hesitate to explore the world of Neewangna coffee and let it enthral your senses.  

Buy your Neewangna coffee today from here!